Film Title: Se7en (1995)
Director: David Fincher
Title Designer: Kyle Cooper.
Camera – distance, angle, movement…
Camera shots mainly consist of ECU-CU+MCU
The camera is very close to the characters hands and items in this sequence. It involves CU of hands, pictures and other objects. ECU of fingers, words and pictures. And it used a MS at the beginning when it showed a pair of hands drawn on a piece of paper. The effects of these shots are to create a disturbance throughout the audience.
Editing – speed, style…
Jump cuts predominantly
Jump cuts are used to make the title sequence very unsettled and quick paced. This reinforces the concept of distress within the sequence.
Sound – effects, musical score…
Diegetic sounds at the start but soon develops into a soundtrack.
Radio interference sounds?
Soundtrack= Drums, Guitar-> rock
We hear sounds of pages turning, razors and something that could be classified as radio interference. This all helps to highlight the unsettling atmosphere as the audience may perceive them as sounds they do not like. This soon develops into a rock-like soundtrack which implies a rebellious attitude towards it.
Mise-en-scene – props, costume, setting, lighting, colour…
Razors, pictures, hands, books,
Low key artificial lighting
The hands are a visual concept throughout. They appear to be rough, plastered and dirty. This suggests that the character has been injured several times and could be a indicator of the characters lack for personal hygiene. The low key lighting help to create a dark and mysterious tone towards the title sequence. This could reflect the narrative of the movie. In the beginning we see a razor blade peeling the characters finger skin. This helps to reinforce the disturbing atmosphere. The pictures that are shown in the sequence are those of people. However, the people are either injured, or indifferent. This could suggest that the character is abusive in ways.
Titles – font, colour, placement, over black / over clip…
Sometimes superimposed upon the sequence.
The effect of the black being dominant in the title sequence connotes darkness and mystery. This help the audience understand that something bad might happen. The titles are sometimes superimposed upon the title sequence. The positioning of the text is randomised this helps to reinforce the unsettling atmosphere.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Thriller #3.
Posted by SEHB at 19:01
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