Sunday, 8 March 2009

Final- Animatic

This is the animatic for our final piece. As it was our second attempt i think we accomplished a lot. The idea of using photography was really beneficial as it helped to make the concept look realistic. This would help give the audience a better sense of what was happening. During the process of constructing our animatic, we worked as team and each provided our own contribution. Also, we discovered how to input transitions such as fades and cross dissolves ( 0.37-0.38). This helped to create a more dramatic appearance.

This music was not the ideal sort we required, however we did obtain it from a copyright free source, hence our reason for using it. When create our actual piece, we will try and find a more suitable type of background music in order to help create the atmosphere.

We had some technical difficulties exporting the animatic off the Mac and onto a memory stick, which explains the random floating shot at the beginning. Also there is a static glitch after the camera pans down the glass when the animatic was being uploaded on to youtube.

We received some positive feedback as well as negative. The positive feedback was that our choice of using photography was excellent as it allowed the audience to see what was happening more easily. The animatic was coherent and smooth. The sound was suitable for this piece.

The negative feedback thaty we received regarded the glitches in the animatics upload. Also we had muddled up our titles and include others such as " Produced by..." and "Directed by...".

Overall, i think our animatic was a huge success. We learnt about new transitions as well as keeping the editing within the range of the music.