Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Final piece

This is the final piece that we have produced.
We received some feedback from the rest of our class, evidently as they were the target audience, their feedback was imperative for our knowledge.

This is the positive feedback we received:

+" Good use of music- slowly builds up tension"
+"Good mise en scene- effective within genre"
+"Realistic narrative, although could have built more suspense before drowning ( effective mise en scene)"
+"Last shot of hand was AMAZING- really effective"
+"Great shot of thumb rubbing picture"

This is the negative feedback we received:

" Lighting poor at times- could be improved"
-" More like a trailer"
-" Music at beginning of extract was too quiet"
-"Confusing? who are we following? which character?"

These comments were a good hindsight as to what our target audience thought of a final piece. This helped us as a group to identify problems that we could improve on. Due to our continuous playbacks we had become numb to realising any defects to our piece.

The feedback that we were most drawn to were the last 3 negative comments:

  • "More like a trailer"- we had re-pieced our entire sequence in order to avoid this sort of error as we were told by our teacher before.
  • "Music at the beginning of extract was too quiet"- There was no music up until the main title and we kept that low in order to build up the tension as the sequence progressed.
  • "Confusing? who are we following? which character?"- Ideally the randomess of the of the characters is supposed to throw the audience off track as this is a psychological thriller. However the main focus is suposed to be on the stalker and the girl from the couple, the other charater is a previous love.
I was quite impressed with our final piece and how it turned out. I had gained a lot of experience by working with the Macs and the programmes on it. Overall we received a 'B' for our group. Personally, I think that the grade could have been better, but it wasn't all too bad. Ideally i was hoping for an 'A'.